Kaiya in feral form trotting and holding a Bi Pride Flag. Art by Anik8tion

Hiya! My name is Kaifloof, but you can call me Kai! The ai is pronounced like eye. Please do not butcher my handle by calling me Kia, Kaif, Kay or Kali - thank you!I have an obsession with cute floofy things, hoarding/making OCs and I'm active in multiple fandoms!Wanna find out more about me? Click the arrows to navigate the site and find out more about the Floof!Background art by ITZAH

About Me

My name Kaifloof is derived from my old old gamer name of SuperGamerKai and my love for all things floofy and cute. SuperGamerKai + Floof = Kaifloof!Something important to know about me is that I'm on the Autism Spectrum. I'm high functioning with ADHD, it's fun! (/s) This means sometimes socializing is hard for me and while I prefer tonetags, I won't force people to use them.On platforms where it's supported, I enjoy using emojis/emotes and reactions to express myself as sometimes I can't find the right words.Other things I struggle with are:
🔹 SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder - Some textures, sounds, tastes, etc can be overwhelming to me and cause me to get nauseous
🔹 TMJ Syndrom (Temporomandibular joint dysfunction) - Similar to lockjaw, sometimes my jaw feels like a whole toothache has taken over my mouth and I'm in intense pain. This means I can't have chewy or hard candy/food. When this flares up, it means I may be unavailable for a few days while I recover as sometimes the pain is so high I struggle to breathe or talk
🔹 Anxiety
🔹 Depression

Original Characters/Sonas

I have many many OCs/Sonas, but the ones I would consider my mains are:

Kaiya - Gamer Shiba Inu
Art by DandeLyon on Flight Rising.
Kaiya is me but as a floofy doge. She likes hanging out with friends and playing games, usually on her PawStation 4, Borktendo Switch, or her Pawsonal Computer (PC). She’s a bit of a derp, but has a big heart once you get to know her. Known for her streaming career, Kaiya has retired to pass on the reigns to someone floofier, and these days can be found trying out new potions made by her partner, Kettfrey or exploring the various multiverses of video games!

Hylda - Floofy Shapeshifting DragonHylda is an immortal demi-goddess in Hyrule who watches over Hyrule on behalf of the goddess Hylia. She gathers herbs and crafts potions/elixirs to help Hyrule's citizens whenever she can. She also watches over and cares for the three dragon deities; Dinraal, Farosh, and Naydra. She is very close to Princess Zelda and has learned how to master her light magic thanks to Zelda. Link often tries to show her how to use a bow, but Hylda finds using light magic much easier and less violent - as Hylda is largely a pacifist. She is never seen without a Silent Princess tucked behind her ear, or her saddlebag that holds her herbs that she's gathered. Her golden tail rings were a gift from the Goddess and proof that she's got direct connection to Hylia.

Cinnabar - King WickerbeastCinnabar is my big floofy barbarian I often use for Homebrew DND. He's very smart and intelligent but because of his upbringing and isolation, his talking mannerisms are similar to that of King Shark/Nanaue from Suicide Squad. The rocks told them of something catastrophic to come and they have no idea how to put it into words.

Tavira - Nature Dragon/Leafwing
Art by EnchantedGoat on ToyHouse
Tavira is my Spyro Sona and while her current design is an adopt I bought, her origins go much farther back. I can't share much more without spoilers though :3


I'm in multiple fandoms, though in some I'm more active than others. The key below will indicate whether I'm casually a fan, lurker, or active, etc✨ - Active
💖 - Favorite but not active
👻 - Casual Fan/Lurker
💀 - Retired

Favorite Musicians

Please note that while I do listen to some fandom artists, it does not mean I condone their behavior if they're a toxic individual. I separate art from the artist and do not interact with them outside of listening to their music.

Since I can't fit everyone, here's a link to the playlist I use on stream~